Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Round Three...

  Sorry there hasn't been a post in a while. We all have been very busy. Well at least most of us. Anyways, Hunter here with an exciting new update about Call of Duty Black Ops. Yes... it is yet another map pack... This one is just as good as the last. This new map pack features four new multiplayer maps along with an interesting zombie map. But first the multiplayer maps (which I assume more of you are concerned about seeing that most people only play that)


Hazard is a tropical remote island with a giant resort on top of it. It is mainly taken up by an open golf course with buildings all around. So be prepared for a lot of camping snipers. But as in any other map there are outsides and other ways to get around maps rather than just go straight up the middle. There are other sides to the buildings but they are right next to the coast line. Not any beaches just cliffs into the ocean so there is one minor downside to it because if you’re not really looking at what direction you’re going, or make a sudden turn. Well, I think you get it. This is a unique map compared to the other maps in black ops. Hazard is a brighter, greener map with obvious detail. Look at this link to get a better idea:


Hangar 18 is a map based off of area 51. It look almost like a Halo map in my opinion. It's different. It has a lot of little nooks and crannies to hide in. Again watch out for snipers and campers. What I noticed that is a huge problem for me is that there is a tower right next to the spawn. This obviously allows a lot of spawn trapping to occur, but overall still a great map. Watch this video to get a better look at the map. By the way you will see there is a building to the left of where this guys spawns that is what I was previously talking about with the spawn trapping.


Silo is a winter missile map. Another sniper map. It has a lot of taller areas with little large openings but smaller paths all over the place. Just like in Launch which comes with the Call of Duty Black Ops game rockets launch randomly throughout the game. But I don't believe you can get killed by them. Another thing about this map is it is divided by some walls. You can easily climb over these walls though. All in all another great map that they put into this pack. The video below is again by the same guy in the video above. (Yes I know he is a little annoying but I thought he gave some good shots to give you a incite to the maps.)


Drive in is a smaller map which is based off of drive in movie theaters like you see in all those movies... This on not exactly in mint condition though. It is somewhat open with the parking lot in the center and small buildings all around. It just seems like the other maps in Black Ops. Nothing different between it and Nuketown except the theme. To get a better look at it watch the video below.


Last but definitely not least is Shangri La. The newest zombie map is based as a Mayan Temple island. I kinda find some humor to this seeing as though the Mayans "predicted" the end of the world would be 2012 and they put you in a Mayan Temple during a zombie apocalypse. Anyways, this looks like a great map. There are so many little features to it to challenge you and to help you. You will all love it. It really is indescribable watch the video below. This guy is a little hard to understand but even still this will give you a great view of the map. 

All in all, I highly recommend this map pack to all Call of Duty players. This may possibly be one of the best map packs I've ever seen. Just looks spectacular. Thanks for the read! Hope this helps you make a decision as to whether or not to get the map pack!