Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Homefront Review

     Hey, it's Hunter again with a review for Homefront. I hope this review is as in depth as I hope it should be.
Homefront has a very new unique theme, America is taken over by the uprising Koreans and you play as the protagonist Robert Jacobs, a former Marine helicopter pilot. When you are found and captured by the Koreans you see many disturbing things on the way to your concentration camp. Mothers and fathers being killed in front of their children, battery crimes on innocent Americans all along the streets, and also just plain excecution. Then all the sudden the school bus you are riding in gets hit by a truck, the driver is a member of the American rebellion. You one of the only concious people is taken by them and is taught the ropes of the game. The story is all in all exciting, and difficult, but short. The ending is what really caught me the most. As you are defeating the Koreans on the golden gate bridge you are suddenly hit with a big explosion, one of the main characters Rianna is looking at you in desperation saying "Get up! Get up!" and then the game just ends. Watching the credits all I could think was "Huh?" Well I think this is a set up for DLC end of story expansion or the lead to a second game. Which I hope would be better than this one. The game is not bad but, I defenitely think it could be improved, the graphics are dated, the story was confusing and short, but the online is amazing, it has many new features and ideas than any other shooter I have ever played online.

     One of these new features is that Homefront has the biggest game modes ever put into multiplayer, this is known as ground control and plays thirty two players. Ground control is Domination to those of you who know Call of Duty. To those of you who don't that is a game in which you and your team capture positions by standing there defending them, and you earn points for each few seconds you hold them. The team with the most points or gets to the point limit wins. This creates a great amount of exciting game play and nonstop encounters with enemies. There is also as usual team death match and another mode which switches you between both, they both play twenty four people and it still has a lot of craziness. This game has amazing maps featured in many American atmospheres such as farms and towns and exclusively to Xbox, as there is a suburban map. These maps are made big as to uphold the mass amount of players and vehicles. Yes I said vehicles, since this game was set in 2027 there are some different types of vehicles than we are used to in the more modern games. They have an assortment of vehicles from sighting drones to a couple types of tanks. the variety, realistic, and futuristic feel to this game is beyond comparable to any other First Person Shooter.

     There are drones you control to spot enemies in the sky and mark them so your teammates can see them and there are other drones you control to kill enemies. These drones are low in BP (not the oil company), which stands for battle points these battle points are earned in game and can only be used in game. You earn bp by killing enemies, capturing positions, and destroying vehicles. BP does not buy you guns, or attachtments, or camos. These are earned by kills, you earn three different holographic sights when you have gotten only five kills, red dot sights fifty, and other attachtment are different amount of kills. You earn camos through killstreaks, the amount of kills in you killstreak with the gun give you different camos. Also you can earn camos by getting to certain levels, the same way you do with guns. There are not a lot of guns though there are only two sniper rifles, and you can only have one sidearm which is a none reliable M9 pistol. Regardless the online is well made and very fun. The online I believe is the best part of the game, and I think that Homefront will have some DLC packs made for more guns, maps, or even the real ending to the campaign.

     Homefront is a great online game, but has a weak story. This will be a major insult, but honestly I think that this would have been a better arcade game. But, I think that because they added a campaign they felt it should be a hardware in store game. If I hadn't already got it, I would wait until the game cost less money. I would not say it is worth sixty dollars, but I don't think many games are. Thank you for reading, hoped this helped you fellow gamers.
Lots of lolz-

Here are some links about Homefront



Yes this is a YouTube video,  but it's the only one that I found good without an annoying moron complaining about how they did. Fucking MLG scrubs... But this guy also caught my thoughts and ideas. But I'd give the game between a 7 and 8. Also the gun this guy uses is fully automatic on Xbox 360, while he is playing PS3.

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