Monday, March 14, 2011

Your Opinion: Homefront vs Call of Duty

Hey, Hunter again with a quicky.

                The game I personally have been anticipating since I even heard about it, Homefront is coming out tomorrow! I am very excited to see the campaign, it's a fresh new idea being the underdogs. North Korea has taken over America and you are part of a small rebellion who wants and fights for their freedom. Multiplayer looks just as good as Call of Duty and Battlefield Bad Company 2. They have put a new twist on it, earning points to spawn tanks and other vehicles! That will surely end up with a crazy online. Except there aren't many guns they have shown us, but I expect they will be there we just don't know them yet. Had you pre-ordered it you would have gotten a couple exclusive guns. The graphics are not as great as some had hoped but I prefer Modern Warfare's graphics over Black Ops anyways. Now I want to know what you guys think of the upcoming game! Is it a contender against Call of Duty? Do you plan on buying the game? Or just another want-to-be first person shooter?

    Thanks for reading!

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