Sunday, March 6, 2011

LEGO Star Wars 3

       Hey Hunter, here with the review for the Lego Star Wars 3 demo. I anticipated this one for a while. I have loved the Lego Star Wars collection since the first. They were always fun to play and humorous.

      It was not up to par the way I expected. The game still has the same credit intro like in the Star Wars movies. As always you can just skip the intro. Then of course after, you see the cut-scene at the beginning of the episode. It did not appeal to me and I didn't know what to think. This is based of the The Clone Wars Series on Cartoon Network. I've never seen this series but from what I saw in the demo they take the fun out of the game the previous games had. The series on cartoon network from what I've seen in the commercials, it's a not very kid friendly. Not to say it's inappropriate but its not a cartoon kid like series. This affected the demo for me. There were no funny points in the cut-scenes in between playing.

       The game play itself was not good either. It was hard to know what you were supposed to do. It took me a while to find out how to get to the other side of platforms. It was very complicated in that you needed to use R2-D2 to get to other sides of things in order to move on. Although it's a bit challenging like a game should be. It was not gamer friendly, the controls are new, and have new features like you can now throw your light saber, but this makes you vulnerable to be shot at by the CPU enemies. As in the last game your character has to build things with broken up Lego pieces. Eventually in the demo you find that you must control where a few Lego pieces go, this was not gamer friendly either. It was very hard to control where the piece went, and I eventually got frustrated with it and quit the demo because i had enough.

     All in all, I was a little disappointed with the game demo. The graphics and ideas were great, but they need to do some control fixing. The game is perfect for people who like the TV show of the game, but it didn't appeal to me. The demo was not a promising sign of a good sequel to the amazing Lego Star Wars series for me. I do not suggest even looking into this game, but if you must here's some links for you to try and make a decision for yourself. I'd hurry it comes out soon

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